
Abbreviations have generally been avoided, being used in unit and appointment titles, in text and in tables where space, repetition or context make it desirable or unavoidable.

AMDMilitary District
AAAustralian ArchivesMechMechanical
AA AvnAustralian Army Aviation CorpsMFOMultinational Force and Observers
AA BCAustralian Army Band CorpsMGmachine gun
AACCAustralian Army Catering CorpsMGOMaster General of the Ordnance
AAFAustralian Army ForceMHRMember of the House of Representatives
AATTVAustralian Army Training Team Vietnammidmentioned in dispatches
ABCAtomic, Biological and ChemicalMINURSOUN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
ACCompanion of the Order of AustraliaMMMilitary Medal
AdminAdministrationMMMMilitary Merit Medal
ACMAir Chief MarshalMSDMeritorious Service Decoration
ACPersAssistant Chief of PersonnelMSMMeritorious Service Medal
ADCaide de campMTMechanical Transport
ADFAAustralian Defence Force AcademyMtdMounted
AFCAir Force CrossMVOMember of the Victorian Order
AFPArmed Forces of the PhilippinesN
AFVAustralian Force VietnamNATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation
AHQArmy HeadquartersNBCNuclear, Biological and Chemical
AIFAustralian imperial ForceNCONon-commissioned Officer
AKKnight of the Order of AustraliaNGNew Guinea
AKRArmy of the Khmer RepublicNIRNigerian Infantry Regiment
ALSGAustralian Logistic Support GroupNQNorth Queensland
AMFAustralian Military ForcesNSNational Service
AMRAustralian Military RegulationsNSWNew South Wales
ANAREAustralian National Antarctic Relief ExpeditionNTNorthern Territory
AnzacAustralian and New Zealand Army CorpsNZNew Zealand
AnzacAustralia(n) and New Zealand (generically)O
ANZUKAustralian, New Zealand and United KingdomOAMMedal of the Order of Australia
AOOfficer of the Order of AustraliaOBEOfficer of the Order of the British Empire
AODAdvanced Ordnance DepotOCOfficer Commanding
APCArmoured Personnel CarrierO/COfficer Cadet
AppxAppendixOCSOfficer Cadet School
AQMGAssistant Quartermaster GeneralOffrOfficer
ARAAustralian Regular ArmyOIROfficer Intelligence Rating
ArmdArmouredONUMUZUnited Nations Observers Mozambique
ARRCAssociate of the Royal Red CrossOpOperating
ARVNArmy of the Republic of VietnamOrdOrdnance
ATFAustralian Task ForceORBATOrder of Battle
Aust IntAustralian Intelligence Corpsparaparagraph
AVMAir Vice MarshalPCPrivy Councillor
AWASAustralian Womens Auxiliary ServicePCCUPostal and Courier Communications Unit
AWMAustralian War MemorialPersPersonnel
BCFKBritish Commonwealth Force KoreaPIRPacific Islands Regiment
BCMBronze Cross MedalPlPlatoon
BCOFBritish Commonwealth Occupation ForcePMCPresident of the Mess Committee
BdeBrigadePMFPermanent Military Forces
BEMBritish Empire MedalPNGPapua New Guinea
BHPBroken Hill Proprietary Company LtdPNGDFPapua New Guinea Defence Force
BMBravery Medalprpounder
BnBattalionPtPoint, Port
BOSBoard of StudiesPtePrivate
BrigBrigadierPTPhysical Training
BSMBattalion Sergeant MajorPTIPhysical Training Instructor
CQCQueen’s Commendation
CADRANCadets-Army Royal Australian NavyQMQuartermaster
CAGCommonwealth of Australia GazetteQMGQuartermaster General
CBCommander of the BathRAARoyal Australian Artillery
CBECommander of the Order of the British EmpireRAACRoyal Australian Armoured Corps
CdoCommandoRAAECRoyal Australian Education Corps
CGSChief of the General StaffRAAFRoyal Australian Air Force
ChChapterRAAMCRoyal Australian Army Medical Corps
CMFCitizen Military ForcesRAAOCRoyal Australian Army Ordnance Corps
CMGCommander of St Michael and St GeorgeRAASCRoyal Australian Army Service Corps
COCommanding OfficerRACTRoyal Australian Corps of Transport
COCCompany of Officer CadetsRAERoyal Australian Engineers
ColColonelRAEMERoyal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Col SgtColour SergeantRACMPRoyal Australian Corps of Military Police
ColmColumnRAFRoyal Air Force
ComdCommand, CommanderRARRoyal Australian Regiment
Comm(s)Communication(s)RA SigsRoyal Australian Signals Corps
CoyCompanyRASRRegular Army Supplementary Reserve
CplCorporalRA SvyRoyal Australian Survey Corps
CptCaptain (Philippines)RAA ProRoyal Australian Army Provost Corps
CRAASCCommander RAASCRBLFRoyal Brunei Land Force
CSMCompany Sergeant MajorRFMFRoyal Fiji Military Forces
CSCCorps of Staff Cadets, Conspicuous Service CrossRMARoyal Military Academy
CTMOChief Transport and Movements OfficerRegtRegiment
CVOCompanion of the Victorian OrderResReserve
CwlthCommonwealthRLRetired List
DRMCRoyal Military College of Australia (Duntroon)
DADSTDeputy Assistant Director of Supplies and TransportRNZACRoyal New Zealand Armoured Corps
DA&QMGDeputy Adjutant and Quartermaster GeneralRNZARoyal New Zealand Artillery
DAQMGDeputy Assistant Quartermaster GeneralRNZAOCRoyal New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps
DCGSDeputy Chief of the General StaffRNZASCRoyal New Zealand Army Service Corps
DCMDistinguished Conduct MedalRNZCTRoyal New Zealand Corps of Transport
DepDepotRNZERoyal New Zealand Engineers
DetDetachmentRNZEMERoyal New Zealand Electrical&Mechanical Engineers
DFCDistinguished Flying CrossRNZIRRoyal New Zealand Infantry Regiment
DMTDirector(ate) of Military TrainingRNZ SigsRoyal New Zealand Signals
DivDivisionRQMSRegimental Quartermaster Sergeant
DMOVTDirector of Movements and TransportRSLReturned Services League of Australia
DODDepartment of DefenceRSMRegimental Sergeant Major
DSODistinguished Service OrderRTAFRoyal Thai Armed Forces
DSSDistinguished Service StarS
DUKWwheeled amphibianSASouth Australia/iarn
ESAFArmed Forces of the Republic of Singapore
EDExtra drillSASRSpecial Air Service Regiment
EngrsEngineersSEATOSouth East Asia Treaty Organisation
EqptEquipmentSec, SectSection
EstbEstablishmentSGCEServices General Certificate of Education
FARELFFar East Land ForcesSig. SigsSignaller, Signals
FdFieldSMSergeant Major
FDFFiji Defence ForceSMLEShort Muzzle Lee Enfield
Fd RegtField RegimentSNCOSenior Non-commissioned Officer
FIRFiji Infantry RegimentSpecSpecial
Flg OffFlying OfficerSprSapper
FSField ServiceSptSupport
ftfoot (measure)SqnSquadron
GSRDSupply Reserve Depot
GCMGold Cross MedalSsgtStaff Sergeant
GCMGGrand Commander of St Michael and St GeorgeSTSupplies and Transport
GCVOGrand Commander of the Victorian OrderSUOSenior Under Officer
GL GpGround Liaison GroupSvcService
GMGeorge MedalSVNSouth Vietnam
GOCGeneral Officer CommandingTAFETechnical and Further Education
GPGeneral PurposeTechTechnical
GPMGgeneral purpose machine gunTFMATask Force Maintenance Area
GSOGeneral Staff OfficerTIRTongan Infantry Regiment
HMASHer Majesty’s Australian ShipTmlTerminal
HMSHer Majesty’s ShipTnTransportation
ISCAMInter-Service Athletics MeetingU
ISCSCInter-Service Colleges Swimming CarnivalUKUnited Kingdom
JUNUnited Nations
JTCJungle Training CentreUNAMIRUN Assistance Mission in Rwanda
KUNC-KUN Command-Korea
KBEKnight of the British EmpireUNIFILUN Interim Force in Lebanon
KCBKnight Commander of the Order of the British EmpireUNIIMOGUN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group
KCMGKnight Commander of St Michael & St GeorgeUNITAFUN Task Force in Somalia
KCVOKnight Commander of the Victorian OrderUNMCTTUN Mine Clearance Training Team
kgkilogramUNMOGIPUN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
kmkilometreUNOSOM IISecond UN Operation in Somalia
kphkilometres per hourUNSCOMUN Special Commission
KTKnightUNTACUN Transitional Authority in Cambodia
kvakilovolt ampUNTAGUN Transition Assistance Group
LUNTSOUN Truce Supervision Organisation
LARCwheeled amphibianUOUnder Officer
lbpound (measure)USMAUnited States Military Academy West Point
LcplLance CorporalUXBunexploded bomb
LFHQLand Force HeadquartersUS, USAUnited States of America
Lt, 1Lt,2 LtLieutenant, 1st/2nd LieutenantV
LMGlight machine gunVCVictoria Cross, Viet Cong
L of CLines of CommunicationVDVolunteer Decoration
Lt ColLieutenant Colonelvehvehicle
LtCLieutenant Colonel (Philippines)VicVictoria/ian
LVOLicentiate of the Victorian OrderW
MWAWestern Australia/ian
MajMajorWOWarrant Officer
Maj GenMajor GeneralWO1Warrant Officer Class One
MAJGENMajor GeneralWO2Warrant Officer Class Two
MBEMember of the Order of the British EmpireWW1World War One/World War I
MCMilitary CrossWW2World War Two/World War II